
Company Strengths

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English  /  環境 化学・樹脂 試験・分析・測定


Our strengths of contract services is below.


1.Techniques for Handling Seawater Organisms

Since we were founded in 1986, we have continued our research concerning various marine organisms and their production.  Our accumulated techniques, knowledge, and experience are highly valued in Japan, so our products and services are adopted by many customers.


2.Test Result Reliability

Our company have carried out tests in accordance with international testguidelines (including OECD test guidelines when required). We are also able to adapt to non-standard methods, and are happy to recommend optimal strategies for testing and research based on our knowledge.


3.Infrastructure and Supply Channel

We have a solid infrastructure for aquaculture in seawater, which includes a natural seawater supply and drainage facilities, an abundance of tanks, temperature-controlled rooms, and other facilities and instruments for biochemistry.  Additionally, various test organisms are available to us both because we produce aquatic organisms in-house and because we have channels in the fishing industry as well institutions in Japan.
